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Easy Steps for joining [HBC]...  "The Halo BrotherHood Clan"


Step 1:

To apply to [HBC] you need to sign up for a free GT (Gametracker Account).   Click the link below to sign up for a FREE GT account. After sign up don't forget to sign in.



Step 2:

Then go to [HBC] GT homepage by clicking here...





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Under the members section you will see an "APPLY" button, click to apply. (Note: This action automatically sends an email alert to the clan recruiter)   NOTE: Pick your [HBC] Name ???  <<< Only allows six characters after the brackets.

Step 3:

Sign up for a free Xfire account by clicking here...



Then add [HBC]ßAÐA§§ (Admin) ----  Xfire s/n = yasbadass

PM (Private Message) me and tell me you signed up on the [HBC] Xfire Homepage so that I can add you.

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Also, on [HBC] GT Homepage on the right hand side under the "Links" section you will see a link to our clans XFIRE homepage, as well as other important links.


We use TeamSpeak3 for voice communication, you can download it free here...



Our TS3 server ip address is:

*** PM me on xfire for the password to our TS3 Server ***   \

Note:  Also on the "Members List" page, you will find all [HBC] members Xfire screen names, so you can send clan adds.


Servers listed on GT>>>  


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